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The formation of the IRSE French Section was approved at the December 2015 meeting of the Institution's Council.

The inaugural meeting was held in Paris on 13th January 2016. The meeting included a Technical Paper and Presentation on NexTeo - Urban/semi-Urban re-signalling in Paris. 

For information on all French section events, please see the events page.

IRSE French section committee:

  • Chairman: Christian SEVESTRE
  • Vice-Chairman: Hugh ROCHFORD 
  • Secretary: Cédric BLIN & Thibaut de PIEDOUE
  • Members: 
    • Pierre Damien JOURDAIN
    • Philippe LEBOUAR 
    • Gilbert MOENS 
    • Gilles PASCAULT​ 
    • François-Xavier PICARD
    • Jacques PORÉ
    • Jean-Gabriel PHILIBERT

IRSE French section presentations:

With kind permission from the presenters, the following presentations in the table below are available for IRSE members' interest.