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  1. Licensing
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  7. About

Equality, diversity & inclusion

The IRSE regards the equal and fair treatment of all its members, employees and volunteers as a vital part of how we work as an organisation.

So, we have written a Policy on "Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)". It states that:

"The IRSE is committed to a policy of equity, diversity and inclusion for all its members, employees, contractors and stakeholders. We will not accept any form of discrimination and recognise the value of diversity in the workplace and society.

Our ambition is to increase awareness of EDI principles through our leadership, member activities, publications and events that we hold. We aim to create an inclusive organisation where our members, staff, and volunteers have a sense of belonging. Our leadership and membership will be representative of the regions in which we operate across the world. We will collect appropriate data as a means of measuring, benchmarking and planning our progress on our journey towards becoming a more inclusive organisation.

The IRSE provides services that embrace diversity and promote equality of opportunity. Our goal is to ensure that the Institution’s commitment, reinforced by its values, is embedded in its working practices with its staff, members and other stakeholders at its centre. The IRSE believes that the principles of equal opportunity and an inclusive culture should govern every aspect of its work and that all staff, job applicants, members, and volunteers should be treated equitably and fairly.

This policy applies to all IRSE members, employees, contractors and job applicants. The Institution also encourages its members and stakeholders to follow similar policies in their workplaces.

In making this statement, we recognise that, considering the IRSE’s wide geographical spread of members around the world, the application of this policy needs to be applied in a contextually and culturally sensitive manner. "

If this subject area is of particular interest to you, please contact the IRSE Global Office in London (