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IRSE Annual General Meeting 2024


Due to the technical difficulties experienced on 25 April 2024 members joining online were unable to follow proceedings and, in accordance with our constitution, the meeting subsequently had to be adjourned as it was not quorate. 


The reconvened AGM was held on Wednesday 15 May at 18:00 (BST) in London UK and online and was followed by the IRSE Presidential Lecture 'workforce challenges and successes in London Underground's 4 Lines Modernisation Project' 


The recordings for both AGM and Presidential Lecture will be available online soon

Online joining instructions:



The formal proceedings of the IRSE included voting on a special resolution on petitioning for a Royal Charter (see - an update on this will be provided soon.


The notice of the 110th reconvened meeting is HERE.  


The IRSE 2023 Annual Report is avaiable HERE  Annual Report Thumbnail