FAQ 15: I'm busy on 2 October, can I sit the exam on another day?
No. Exam day is Saturday 2 October for all candidates.
FAQ 16: I have heard that there is an exam in Spring 2022, is this true?
The Certificate in Railway Control Engineering Fundamentals (Module A) may be available to be sat in Spring 2022. This is subject to (1) Education & Professional Development Committee approval and (2) sufficient candidates.
FAQ 17: I can't type quickly. Can I have additional time?
No. Additional time is only allowed for those candidates who declare they have a specific need for this and send a doctor's letter / certificate to the exam team at exam@irse.org.
Questions for the Certificate in Railway Control Engineering Fundamentals (Module A) are multiple choice / similar requiring little typing.
Questions for the Advanced modules (Modules B, C and D) are mainly essay-type questions which can be typed or hand written. You may also wish to hand draw sketches to supplement your answer. Time will be allocated for uploading these handwritten / hand drawn sheets.
Questions for Module 2 will require answers hand drawn and calculations which may be handwritten. Time will be allocated for uploading these handwritten / hand drawn sheets.
FAQ 18: My English isn't very good. Can I have additional time?
No. All modules are set in English and require answers in English.
The exam software for the Advanced modules (Modules B, C and D) has inbuilt grammar and spell checkers which will help you.