Further exam reading materials - Principles of railway control and communications systems
The materials provided on these pages provide additional resources for those studying for the IRSE Professional Examination / Advanced Diploma in Railway Control Engineering and Certificate in Railway Control Engineering Fundamentals. These are also useful background reading materials for anyone wishing to extend their knowledge of railway control and communication systems.
The materials on this page have been collated from previously available material for the modules available up to 2020 called 'Signalling Principles (Module 3)' and 'Communications Principles (Module 4)'. These modules, along with part of 'Signalling the layout (Module 2)' are being merged into the new 'Principles of Railway Control and Communications Systems (Module C)' (available from 2021) and also are covered, although not in as much depth, in the new 'Certificate in Railway Control Engineering Fundamentals / Fundamentals of Railway Control Engineering (Module A)' (available from 2020).
Materials from 'Signalling the layout (Module 2)' can be found here xxxxxx
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