Title: Technical visit to the new interlocking Geneva
Invitation: https://www.irse.ch/files/155/event-2024-09-20-invitation-ed01.pdf
Date: 20. September 2024
Time: 13:50
Meeting point: Train station Geneva at exit Monbrilland.
Venue: Geneva new Interlocking
Location: Geneva Main Station, Switzerland
Downloads: https://www.irse.ch/files/155/event-2024-09-20-invitation-ed01.pdf
Participants must be equipped with suitable footwear for the construction site tour.
Safety waistcoats will be provided on-site.
RSVP: 10 September, via https://nuudel.digitalcourage.de/CxY4xKBqDMgsUHjv
We would like to request registration for this event, including information regarding participation in the dinner.
(Spontaneous participants may also come, but filling in the Nuudel helps us with the organisation; the registration for dinner is not binding).
Language: German