Council Elections
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  1. Licensing
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Council Elections

Voting Opens 

 Monday 10th February 2025 at 08:00 UTC


 Monday 10th March 2025 at 12:00 UTC


Council elections 2025

We have asked MiVoice Election Services to run the IRSE election process again this year. Fully paid up IRSE members in the following categories are eligible to vote: AMIRSE, MIRSE and FIRSE.

Elections in 2025 are for the following constituencies, in the category of:

  • Fellow (UK*): 2 vacancies
  • Fellow (AHIN**): 1 vacancy (uncontested seat as only one nomination received)
  • Fellow (Rest of World***): 1 vacancy
  • Member (UK*): 1 vacancy (uncontested seat as only one nomination received)
  • Member (Rest of the World***): 1 vacancy
  • Associate Member (Rest of the World***): 1 vacancy (uncontested seat as only one nomination received)

* UK is the constituency for members who live/work in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland **AHIN is the constituency for members who live/work in Australasia, Hong Kong, India or Netherlands sections *** Rest of World is the constituency for members who live/work elsewhere (not in UK and AHIN)

Information about each of the candidates for the above constituencies can be found below:

FIRSE (UK) - IRSE Fellows who work and/or live within the constituency of the UK

The following candidates have been nominated for the 2 vacancies on Council for the constituency of FIRSE (UK). Please click on their names to see their election statement.

The following candidate is re-applying for the constituency of FIRSE (UK). Please click on their name to see their election statement.

FIRSE (AHIN) - IRSE Fellows who work and/or live within the constituency of Australasia, Hong Kong, India or Netherlands (uncontested as only one nomination received)

The following candidate is re-applying for the constituency of FIRSE (AHIN) on Council. Please click on their name to see their election statement.

FIRSE (ROW) - IRSE Fellows who work and/or live within the constituency of the Rest of the Word (not UK, Australasia, Hong Kong, India or Netherlands)

The following candidates have been nominated for the vacancy on Council for the constituency of FIRSE (ROW). Please click on their names to see their election statement.

MIRSE (UK) - IRSE Members who work and/or live within the constituency of the UK (uncontested as only one nomination received)

The following candidate is re-applying for the constituency of MIRSE (UK) on Council. Please click on their name to see their election statement.

MIRSE (ROW) - IRSE Members who work and/or live within the constituency of the Rest of the Word (not UK, Australasia, Hong Kong, India or Netherlands)

The following candidate is applying for the constituency of MIRSE (ROW) on Council. Please click on their name to see their election statement.

The following candidate is re-applying for the constituency of MIRSE (ROW) on Council. Please click on their name to see their election statement.
      AMIRSE (ROW) - IRSE Associate Members who work and/or live within the constituency of the Rest of the Word (not UK, Australasia, Hong Kong, India or Netherlands) (uncontested as only one nomination received)

      The following candidate is re-applying for the constituency of AMIRSE (ROW) on Council. Please click on their name to see their election statement.

        What is Council?

        Council is the governing body of the Institution; it functions like a Board of Directors.

        Like company Directors, council members are responsible for leading the organisation in a strategic direction that reflects the needs of members, while ensuring that the objectives of the Institution laid out in its Memorandum and Articles of Incorporation are fulfilled.

        The Institution’s objectives are:

        a) The advancement for the public benefit of the science and practice of signalling (which for the purpose of the Articles means the whole of the apparatus, electrical, mechanical, or otherwise, methods, regulations, and principles whereby the movement of railway or other traffic is controlled) by the promotion of research, the collection and publication of educational material and the holding of conferences, seminars, and meetings.

        b) The maintenance of high standards of practice and professional care amongst those working within the industry and the promotion of improved safety standards for the protection of the general public.

        Who sits on Council?

        Council is made up of:

        • The President
        • 3 Vice-Presidents (all of whom must be Fellows)
        • 9 other Fellows
        • 6 Members
        • 3 Associate Members.

        Council may also co-opt up to three Past Presidents and meetings are normally attended by the ChiefExecutive (who is the company secretary) and the Treasurer.

        Council meets on average of six times per year with the timings of Council varied during the year to take account of time zone differences. This is because 50% of Council members are based outside of the UK.

        To make council representative of our global organisation, there are constituencies in different regions. The number of Council vacancies for each constituency reflect the size of our membership in each constituency:

        • UK — for members who live/work in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
        • AHIN — for members who live/work in Australasia, Hong Kong, India or the Netherlands
        • Rest of World — for members who live/work elsewhere (not in UK and AHIN)

        How can I get involved?

        To be considered for Council you must nominate yourself for one of the vacant positions in a constituency.

        To be eligible, you must be a fully paid up member, at the right level for the available vacancy. Vacant seats are published on this page during the nominations period each year.

        All eligible members will receive information by email from MiVoice Election Services — an independent organisation who run the logistics of elections on our behalf to ensure an impartial and fair process. It’s one of many reasons why it’s vital to ensure your contact details are up to date.

        Details of available vacancies on Council appear below on this page.